more Beastmen Army Miniature pics - Ungors, Minotaurs, Gors and Bestigor Herds

Another new Warhammer Fantasy Battle release is fast approaching ! Games Workshop have released pictures of the Beastmen in the advance orders section of their site.

I really like the Gors and the Ungors, the Bestigors look ok too but seem a bit too "organised" for my tastes (ie they have "uniform-ish" chainmail, hardened leather armour and similar helms. I imagine all beast units to be a bit more of a rabble). I'm not keen on the Razorgor which I think looks a bit too "spawnish". Apparently, the Razorgor is the bigger cousin of the Tuskgor and can be used in herds or to pull chariots.

You'll find more pics, including the Doombull, Ghorros Warhoof (Centaur Hero), Malagor, Dark Omen and all of the existing "older" range of Beasts of Chaos minis on the GW site here:-

(from left to right, top to bottom: Ungors, Minotaurs, Gors and Bestigors.)

Images are © Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Used without permission.