Fantasy Battle Miniatures Galley - inviting submissions

Do you have some Warhammer Battle miniatures you'd like to show off ?

I'm looking for some inspiring miniature photos or good modelling / painting tips to add to the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle Miniatures Gallery. Anything inspiring will be accepted, especially if it includes some good painted miniature photos.

Use the opportunity to promote your blog if you like because I will add your blog or website to the Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures blogroll if I use your articles / miniature photos. Hopefully you'll be impressed enough to return the favor and add the Miniatures Gallery to your blogroll.

If you think you have something to offer the community please leave a comment here with contact details (which I will keep private) or join the Battle Reporter forum and and send me a personal message or post your tips / pics in the Battle Reporter Warhammer modeling and painting forum.