NEW Skaven Warhammer Army Book Cover (7th edition) & Info

Games Workshop have confirmed that they will be releasing the new Skaven Army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle in November 09

Details will be in October's (WD358 - UK) edition of White Dwarf which will be out at the end of September.

Exciting bit ! GW say there are loads of new plastic and metal minis for monsters, warmachines and lords/heroes. They should be posting some pics of the new Skaven Clanrat miniatures here, today. I'll update the blog as soon as they do.

I'll be posting full details on this blog the very day that White Dwarf is released to subscribers (about a week before it hits the shelves). Make sure you check back under either the White Dwarf or Skaven Army labels below.

Image is © Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Used without permission.