Forest Goblin all Metal Miniatures Warhammer Army

A keen Warhammer Fantasy gamer has bought a whole metal miniature forest goblin Warhammer Battle army (93 minis) on eBay for $183.50 ! All the miniatures are now out of production at Games Workshop !!

What a bargain. It included:-

  • 54 Forest Goblin Warriors armed with Hand weapon and shield. This includes command models.

  • 20 Forest Goblin/Goblin Archers

  • 15 Giant Spiders

  • Giant Spider Riders (You can easily use some of the above warriors for riders as well, they fit wondefully)

  • He bought the army from a link on this site, If you're not using eBay, why not !

    Here are the full details, I wish I had known about this sale myself. Check this out:-

    Forest Goblin Army Miniatures on eBay - all metal

    A nice aspect of owning this army, other than having a very rare and unique force deployed on the tabletop is that you can field the awesome gobbo warboss and his pet spidey below !

    Image of spider rider warboss is © Games Workshop Ltd. All rights reserved. Used without permission.