Beastmen to replace Beasts of Chaos - NEWS and Army Book Cover (Released in February 2010)

A slight shift away from Chaos now Warhammer Fantasy Battle has a Daemons and Warriors of Chaos Army ?

I think we might see more emphasis on feral beasts and less on Chaos manifestations. I suspect all the usual units will be available but a change in approach would help to open the way for Games Workshop to come up with some new unique Beastmen units and army rules. Less chaos worshipping is the way forward - after all, which would you rather share your house with... a Beast of Nurgle Chaos Spawn or a house trained Centigor ? Actually, on reflection, that question isn't as easy to answer as I first thought :)

From Games Workshop online subscription :-

"Incoming! Beastmen -In the dark places of the world, the Beastmen have been gathering in number and in February they will unleash their rage on the Warhammer world with renewed vigour. A feral army of twisted monsters, the Beastmen have inhabitant the dark forests and wild places of the world since such places existed. To lead a Beastmen army is to field vast herds of braying, brutish beasts who worship Chaos in all its forms, and who fight to level the civilised world.

This will be the first time ever that the Beastmen have had their own, completely stand-alone, army list. The forthcoming Warhammer Armies: Beastmen is full of twisted monsters old and new, and an all-new lore of magic. The Beastmen are the original inhabitants of the Old World: in February 2010 they come to reclaim it from the hands of Men."

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