Warhammer Miniature Painting Competition

They don't have to be Games Workshop models although we do favour Fantasy Battle miniatures (you can post 40k miniatures if you really have to !)

If you think you can do better than the below competition winning painting / modeling photos then you might like to join our latest painting competition.

The only prize on offer is respect, a permanent pic of your miniature in the forum (until the next competition winner), some reputation points from the forum and the appreciation of our forum members.

If you're interested:- post photos of your "yet to be painted" miniatures here (in the Battle Reporter forum)

BTW, the Battle Reporter forum is free and friendly and we don't spam you (we have a newsletter ocassionally but not often, maybe once per 6 weeks). There's nothing whatsoever in it for us except the chance to get a thriving Warhammer community together.

Pics posted with permission of Guardian_A and Elazar The Glorified (forum members)