Fantasy Miniature Showcase Gallery

Inspire yourself with expert Warhammer miniatures, painting, modeling and fantastic ideas ! 

I've been putting together a Fantasy Modeling / Painting Gallery to inspire (myself mainly !) If you're not following it already, check out the slideshow below and quickly add me to your twitter, facebook friends or google follow list. If you're a blogger please add the site to your blogroll (

The gallery is mainly a showcase of other peoples pics (used with permission). I try to find stuff that inspires me, be it, miniature photos, terrain and scenery or just smart modeling ideas. I'm planning to move onto some modeling, painting and photography tips - not because I'm any good at it, just because I love blogging, sharing this stuff and seeing my visitor count go up :)  I'm also interested in conversions and customized miniatures - more of that at a later date I guess.

Anyway, to whet your appetite, check out the slideshow (176 pics so far and counting....)

Many thanks to all the miniature painters and modelers who kindly allowed me to post their images.