GW's 8th Edition Rulebook Guide - by Jervis Johnson

A very nice Warhammer Fantasy Battle rules summary and "things to look out for" guide from Games Workshop - the "Steadfast" articles.

The thing which really startled me when I read this guide was how much I had actually missed or not properly absorbed on my first reading of the rulebook. I guess the only way to really get going with the new rules is to get a few small battles under your belt while paying a lot of attention to the changes.

It's an 8 page article split into 3 sections. The guide really is excellent and well worth some reading time.

WFB Steadfast Article - Part One

1) An Introduction
2) General Advice & Army Selection
3) Infantry & Cavalry Tactics
4) Missile Fire

WFB Steadfast Article - Part Two

1) Characters
2) Charging
3) Scenarios

WFB Steadfast Article - Part Three

1) A one page Appendix of "easy to miss" rules.

Here's one of the tips I missed:-

"...Dispel scolls are now limited to one per army" - how did I miss that ?! - no more caddies !

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