A Sword Lost and found - do you recognize this ?

A Golden Demon painting Battle Reporter needs our help!

So, do you recognize this sword ? It's clearly chaos and / or daemon but was it cut off by one of your High Elves or Dwarven Slayers ?!

A fellow Facebook friend is looking to find out if it's a legitimate GW "bit" to make sure his planned Golden Demon entry will pass muster.

If anyone knows please post a reply here.

Thanks guys (and warped demon / chaos kind !)

BTW, James tells me that this sword is definitely over 10 years old.

(click the sword to enlarge it in a new window)

Question answered, thanks everyone !  

This is definitely Abaddon the Despoiler's daemon sword named Drach'yen from the 40k range. For anyone interested, you can find Abbadon here:-
