Warhammer Battle Magic Tactica - by GW

Fantasy Battle Magic tactics for Warhammer 8th edition - by Games Workshop (Mat Ward)

It's written by Mat Ward (one of the main rulebook designers no less !) and is 11 pages long and a very nice read. It doesn't go into huge detail, it's more of a summarized tactica but it's certainly worth your time.

When I got to the end I found it covered more than I thought it would. Mat's also thrown in some nice new (to me) terminology for good measure, including; "master & apprentice" combinations and a "magic circle of wizards". Mat also talks about miscasts and getting the most from Battle Magic. The there's a summary of every lore (ie. Fire, Beasts, Metal, Light, Life, Heavens, Shadows and Death) with a note on who should crave the lore, who should dread it and Mat's favourite spells.

(paste link into your browser)

Nice work GW and Mat, thanks.

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