Battle Reporter's new widgets

Social networking, real-time chat and navigation tools added to the WHFB Tabletop Gaming blog.

Hi folks, I've been playing around with the new Wibiya gadgets that we use on our forum for realtime chat and have decided to test them out on the blog to see what people think.

You'll find the toolbar at the foot of your browser - it's that dark green bar - you can't miss it. (I'll probably change the colour but I wanted it to stand out for the meantime to encourage readers to try using it).

Anyway, here's a summary of all the bitz and pieces :-

  • "Connect" to post what you're reading on Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and MySpace.
  • The thumbs up is the number of times the page has been "Liked" by Facebook users.
  • Tweet - to let your friends know what's worth reading.
  • "+" to share on loads of different social networks.
  • "Chat" to talk to other visitors, needs a Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or Yahoo login.
  • "12 Online" to see how many visitors are here where they come from and what's being read.

  • The RSS reader logo is for subscribing to the blog.
  • "F join us" is the Battle Reporter's Facebook Group page.
  • "our pics" are all the of the Forum and Facebook member miniatures.
  • "our vids" mainly the old Battle Royal videos and some forum / Nautican promo vids.
  • "our links" is the list of other blogs and the Battle Reporter forum that I look after.
  • "latest" lists the 25 most recent posts.
  • "translate" - guess ! :D
  • Up Arrow takes you back up to the top of the page.
  • Down arrows minimize the toolbar.

I'm really interested in your feedback to see if this tool is worth keeping. If you have any suggestions about what should be removed or if you think something could be added please let me know.

Thanks, Sigmar