A Free War Gaming PDF Magazine

Not very Warhammer Fantasy Battle related (although there is a nice feature on a GW Games Day*) but a very inspirational magazine worthy of a read and therefore worth sharing with you.

Battle Games Magazine Cover picture
This magazine won't be to all of my reader's tastes but I feel that it genuinely portrays the passion that so many have for the war gaming hobby. It's an 81 page general War Games mag which I've really enjoyed reading so far.

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It's quite a serious mag, very well written (to a professional standard) and contains loads of examples of previous magazine articles covering all manner of game systems that are a delight to browse through.

I love the archive photos of some of the first tabletop war gamers from way back in the 1960's. There are also some very generic themes mentioned that apply to us all... "There does come a point in a project for everyone where you think you could do with painting something else!"

I'll be printing this off at work to read on the train. I've already spotted a very interesting article on Wild West gaming named "Quickdraw" (a Cowboy Skirmish) which includes, from the look of it, all the rules needed to play. I might well post a follow up article on that system on the Miniatures and Modeling Gallery blog that I use to post anything inspiring I find in the world of gaming.

* the writer says that the GW Games Day in Birmingham UK attracts more visitors than all 5 of the GW Games Day events in the US added together ! It came as quite a surprise to me because I would have thought WFB was bigger in the US now than the UK.