Skaven Doomsday Device & free Battlefield Challenge Scenario PDF

Games Workshop posted an excellent blog update, a free Skaven scenario pdf and some superb scenery and war machine conversion models (like the Skaven Doomsday Device and the Warplightning-Ratling-Cannon-Cannon, [brilliant name - lol !]  The pics come via GW courtesy of some great modelers, painters and thinkers at the Drakenburg Hobby Centre in Düsseldorf).

From the GW "What's on Today" blog and well worth a read:-

Great minds came up with these excellent conversions, truly superb work and very inspiring. Thanks to the guys at the Drakenburg Hobby Center for putting in all the hard work and sharing their pics with GW.

BTW, the Warplightning-Ratling-Cannon-Cannon "will be used to take over the world !"

Skaven Doomsday Device

Giant Skaven Warp Lightning cannon

Images used without permission all rights reserved by the respective owners.