New Orcs and Goblins 8th Edition Army Released!

They're here, they're green and they're awesome ! Games Workshop have just put the new Orcs and Goblins 8th edition Army hardback (!) book and new models on advance order.

Orcs and Goblins 8th edition army book
These models are brilliant, I don't always get excited about new releases and I wasn't expecting to about the O&Gs because I didn't think there was that much more that they could do with the army (by way of new model ideas). However... check out the Giant Gobbo bearing Spider - the Arachnarok, it's brilliant ! (and as a nice surprise, it's not expensive either* relatively speaking !!)

* although knowing gobbos there will be some sort of sneaky catch or a snotling pickpocket in the shop ;-)

Anyway, I'm enamored with these new models (well mainly the spider), and the new army book cover which is also extremely cool. I like army books quite colourful, I think it's more fantasy like and this one fits the bill for me.

There are stacks of pics on the Games Workshop Advance orders page, although no sprue pics yet.  Check this out though, the Spider is made up of 95 parts ! that should give plenty of scope for people to customize the model to their tatstes. The spider howdah has a crew of 8 forest goblins and it includes a Flinger and a Catchweb Spidershrine - whatever that is ?!?

This model is HUGE, it comes with a 150mm x 50mm base !  (that's 3 monster bases, ie giants standing shoulder to shoulder - if you can find 3 giants sober enough).

Anyway, here's the link:-

And some pics...

Orcs and Goblins Giant Spider picture

Orcs and Goblins Giant Spider picture

Orcs and Goblins Arachnarok picture

and a very cool Orc Shaman named Wurrzag.

Wurrzag Orc Shaman photo

I haven't been keeping up-to-date with the O&G rumours so I'm not sure how much of this is news but it looks like there is a new unit called the Nasty Skulkers - lol, I love it :)

Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.