Word of Hashut - Chas Dwarf fanzine released

The Word of Hashut is a very high quality Warhammer fanzine for the unofficial Chaos Dwarfs army book.

Word of Hashut Winter 2011
The latest 90 page issue was released last week (I'm a bit late with this post but hopefully this will reach people who missed the original news).

Latest issue 11 - Winter 2011
(50meg or a lower res 12meg versions available)

Past issues here:-

You can find links to the:-
Chaos Dwarf army book and all the other unofficial Warhammer Fantasy Battle army book pdfs here.

The latest issue is packed full of great stuff for Chaos Dwarf fans but also some nice rules articles for the rest of us, especially those who might be facing the prospect of meeting them in battle !

I particularly like the Chaos Dwarf Battle Wagon rules by Grimstonefire and the rules development article for the Chaos Dwarf Land Train by Thommy H. Sneaky gobbo readers should check the tips and tactics for dealing with Orcs and Goblins to give them an idea of what they can expect from a Chaos Dwarf player. There are loads of great mini pics, some short stories and new Regiment of Renown units such as Thugman's Inebriated Brawlers (lol, wait until Bugman finds out - that must be worth an entry in the Book of Grudges - sacrilege !)

The member spotlight on TJUB is errr... revealing if you can read Chaos Dwarf runes.