Sepulchral Stalkers and Warsphinx Photos

Games Workshop's "What's New Today" blog is showcasing some of their staff's Tomb King Armies and a there are a couple of neat pics of the new Sepulchral Stalkers and Warsphinx.

These miniatures belong to Andrew Kenrick's army and a very nice army it is indeed ! I particularly like High Queen Khalida's host of lady vampire priests and handmaidens, the chariots are also very cool as are the below new models. He's opted for a bone and red colour scheme which makes a nice change from the oft used turquoise. I just thought you might be interested in the pics, I love the stalker's tail and golden helm.

Sepulchral Stalker model picture Tomb Kings
Tomb Kings Warsphinx Painted Photo

Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.