Buy Warhammer Fantasy Battle stuff now !

Games Workshop have made two significant announcements recently - if you're planning on buying any of their products in the near future you'd better read this....

Firstly, some 270+ products are going up in price, in fact some of them are going up quite a lot in price, see the list below:-

GW price rises from 1st June (spreadsheet on Google Docs)

Secondly, European sellers are not going to be permitted to sell their GW products outside of the European Economic Area, quote from GW...

“Products are for resale within the European Economic Area only. The sale of Products
outside of the European Economic Area will be considered a material breach of these

This means people in non-EU countries will not be able to order GW products from EU online sellers. I think it is just for trade sellers as opposed to individuals selling their own miniatures on eBay (although I'm not certain about that).   I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news :(

Note: these changes do not come into effect until 1st June 2011 so you have a few days left to get your orders in, make them count !