Warhammer Battle Reporter Facebook

The goblins and trolls at Facebook have gone and messed everything up, grrr....

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Facebook have been making a lot of changes to Groups and Pages that frankly I don't understand - they don't bother telling their users either, you have to kind of work it out by googling !

Anyway, the bottom line is that the old Warhammer Battle Reporters Facebook group has been "upgraded" to the new version (there was no option!)

The new version is more of a discussion group than it used to be rather than a place I can report news and have it stay at the top of the page.

The Battle Reporter's Group will be for sharing photos and discussion and you can "Join" it :-

WFB Reporters Facebook discussion group photo

I have my own Profile and you can "Friend" me to see my activity :-
Sigmar's Facebook profile image

And we now have what Facebook calls a "Page" just for WFB related news named, cunningly (!), "Warhammer Fantasy Battle News" and you can "Like" it to follow all of the latest news:-

Fantasy Battle News Page image

You can find all of these "widgets" with the appropriate links in the right hand panel of this page.

I hope that all makes sense ?!

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