New Mangler Squig Miniature - an awesome model !

A fantastic new Mangler Squig model for the Orcs and Gobbos army - courtesy of MPG

These guys are quick off the mark and offer some great models that Games Workshop just doesn't cater for right now, such as the Jabberslythe, Cygor and Ghorgon miniatures for the Beastmen Army.

I really like the Mangler model, it fits in well with the tongue in cheek (or gobbo in gob !) side of the O&G army - I'm thinking Doom Divers, Fanatics and the infamous Snotling Pump Wagon ! (if it still exists ?) Let's face it, a sense of humour can help when you  field a greenskin army !

Anyway, I haven't got the O&G army book yet so I can't comment on the Squig Mangler unit itself because it was new to the 8th edition army. So, you'll just have to enjoy the pics...

As always, click the images to enlarge them.

Goblin Squig Mangler model photo

Giant Squig miniature
Giant Squig miniature
Orcs and Goblins Squig Mangler model
Orcs and Goblins Squig Mangler model
Unofficial Goblin Squig Mangler model
Unofficial Goblin Squig Mangler model

You can contact them through their Miniature Painting Group eBay shop.

Miniature Painting Group eBay shop

Images used with permission of Miniature Painting Group.