New Ogre Army Book Photos

Some new miniature pics from, I presume, the Ogre Kingdoms Army book (or maybe White Dwarf).

Anyway, they look quite cool and I thought they were worth sharing. Someone asked an interesting question, which I have been reflecting upon...

"how exactly does the Ogre Thundertusk (the mammoth monster thingy) manage to eat ?" Hmmm... good question, answers anyone ?

Thundertusk artwork
Ogre Kingdoms Thundertusk Model image

Thundertusk model details
pinated Thundertusk model photo

Bragg the Gutsman (Special Character with what sounds like a scary profile)
Ogre Special Characters images

Awesome Ogre army incl. new Sky-Titan Cannon, Scrap-Launcher & Firebelly (Special Character)
New Ogre Kingdoms PDF 8th edition Army book

Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.