Cygor, Ghorgon, Jabberslythe - Official GW models

It looks like White Dwarf is show-casing some long and eagerly awaited Beastmen Rare units - hurray :) (Games Workshop finally got around to them!)

From the look of it, the Ghorgon and Cygor are alternative assemblies of the same boxed set (although I could be wrong so don't take my word for it !). I reckon we can expect to see a few more Beastmen armies in future with these new units (which are kind of essential to the Beastmen army and must have have been missed by regular Beastmen players).

The Jabberslythe looks quite similar to the one sculpted by the...
Miniature Painting Group (who also do an excellent Ghorgon and Cygor).

Official GW Cygor painted model photo

Official GW Ghorgon painted model photo

Official GW Jabberslythe painted model photo

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