The largest Fantasy Battle Army ever sold on eBay ?!

20,000 pts worth of Beastmen for $1k USD ! WFB Sale of the century ?!

Photos of large Beastmen army
Some lucky bargain hunting gamer just bought the mother of all Warhammer  armies including no less than 51 Minotaurs, 2 Giants, 3 Cygors, 3 Ghorgons, 2 Jabberslythes and let's not forget the 254 Gors, 72 Bestigors, 100 Ungors and 9 Tuskgor/Razorgor chariots! (and a lot more besides!!)

HUGE Beastmen WFB Army on eBay

What an incredible deal! Even if you only want to keep 5,000 pts of the army you could sell off the rest for double the price if you broke it up into manageable units. I wish I had spotted it - although I'm not sure I would have had the bottle (or the money) to go in with a $1k bid !