Mortis Engine & Coven Throne Rules for 8th Edition Vampires

Vampire Counts 8th edition Rulebook extracts for the Coven Throne & Mortis Engine from, I presume, White Dwarf - from a Facebook member. 

I'm not sure what to make of these yet (although the presentation is, as always excellent). You can join the discussion on our Facebook page here:-

new 8th edition Vampire Counts Mortis Engine & Coven Thrones discussion

So far, there has been a mixed reaction about the miniatures although it's generally positive and deservedly so (from what I can see in the images). I think the new large scale models could take some getting used to on the battleground (and some large foam trays for transportation!) but there's no denying that they make for very tasty modelling projects !

Please join us and let us know what you think of the rules which I've also posted for discussion as separate subjects in our forum :- Coven Throne Rules and Mortis Engine Rules discussion.

Coven Throne pdf rules for Warhammer Vampire Counts

WFB Vampire Counts Mortis Engine rulebook pdf

Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.