Best Fantasy Battle Cavalry Unit - Voting has started

The debate and voting to find the best and most influential Warhammer cavalry unit has begun.

This competition will run for a week (poll closes 15 Jan 2012 5:38 pm GMT). You can select up to 5 of the 14 entries (and change your votes at any time) :-
  1. Dark Riders - Sigmar
  2. Knights of the Realm - Telepfenion
  3. Empire Outriders - MrSeb
  4. Kislev Griffon Legion - Coinsmith1
  5. Chaos Knights - Fingolfin
  6. Black Knights - Lord Bob
  7. Empire Knights - Big Gav
  8. Blood Knights - Lawrence1981
  9. Cold One Knights - pippin_nl
  10. Boar Boyz Big Uns - jaggedjaw
  11. 30 Inner Circle Knights - Noble Korhedron
  12. Pistoliers - WhiteWolf14
  13. Goblin Wolfriders - teclis
  14. Bretonnian Grail Knights - Dalara

May the best Hammerer win !  Enjoy the debate.

the most dangerous Warhammer cavalry unit

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