FAQ for Warhammer Beginners - can you help us complete it ?

New starters to Warhammer Fantasy Battle usually have a lot of questions and we'd like your help trying to answer them :- Fantasy Battle Beginner FAQs.

Shaggoth vs Necrosphinx Battle photo
Below are the initial questions :-

1) Armies with the Most "Character"
2) Army you most enjoy taking into Battle
3) Armies with the "Best" Miniatures
4) Easiest Armies to Paint
5) Easiest Armies to use in Battle
6) Enemy you least enjoy fighting against
7) Most Collected Armies
8) Most Enjoyable Armies to Collect

We're also completing a template for every single Warhammer Army book which is going to give a current overview of the army, a summary of it's characteristics, it's general strengths and weaknesses and thus who the army might appeal to.

If you'd like to get involved please complete the above polls and, if you want to get more involved, check out the Warhammer Army Comparison Template here, and volunteer to help with one or more of the armies.

Thanks folks,

Image is Necrosphinx vs Shaggoth by Gregory Rossetto from the Battle Reporter Facebook Group (album)