FREE Warhammer Maps

If you're searching for a map resource for your Warhammer Campaigns or Fantasy Roleplay Games then look no further !

Credit to Tango01 from who spotted and shared this awesome resource for maps of the Warhammer World. The maps were created by a number of different people and they cover all regions including maps of the whole world, the Olde World and New Worlds. There are loads of maps of the individual City States of the Empire (such as Altdorf and Middenheim) and maps of regions like Albion, Bretonnia, The Darklands and Khemri. There are, in fact, about 180 maps !!!

Some of the maps are "overviews" and others are incredibly detailed including all of the villages and hamlets in the Empire ! You could use them to create a great campaign, maybe to fend off a marauding Orc Warband rampaging across the Empire taking the towns and villages out one-by-one.

The World is your oyster with this amount of free content to inspire you. Great work and all credit to the designers and particularly to Gitzman who put it all together.

Check out the "zoomable" mega-map on index page (it's 20,000+ pixels wide - about 20 screens !)

Maps of the Warhammer World

Warhammer Maps Resources

Images used without permission (I don't know who created them but credit to them !)