Terrain & Scenery Competition for Warhammer Fantasy Battle

We're looking for a few entrants into our forum's Terrain & scenery Competition. In particular Fantasy Battle scenery (think Skaven rat infested cesspits, Dwarven ale houses, Chaos sacrificial shrines, Beastmen execution stumps, Goblin magic mushroom fields, Bretonnian "Excalibur" Lakes, Dark Elf torture chambers, Lizardmen Slann-Mage throne rooms, Wood Elf forest camps, Empire Altdorf machine factories... 

Ok, maybe I'm being a bit ambitious, a few hills, fences, rivers and the odd watchtower would be a good start. 

Nothing too large or small will be rejected (from a simple hill, mud ditch, fence fortification to the ridiculously impressive High Elf Port below). The prize will be $1m - yeah right ! All we can promise you is the admiration of your fellow gamers and modelers.

Please note that we're not really looking for mine fields, razor wire, plasma bomb crater holes or piles of spent 40k artillery shells etc. but we'll take what comes if that's the only scenery entered !

Leave a message in the forum if you're interested in entering.

As an added incentive, the winners will make there way into the Hall of Fame in the below blog for expert mini painters and terrain makers (click the pic to go there).
  Professional Warhammer Terrain and Scenery

Click the photo to go to a slideshow of more of the same.

Image is © 2009 by Frank Becker, Frank Bauer, Flint, M. Immig, J. Westedt. 
Image used without permission. All rights reserved by above owners.