KILLING BLOW - Tides of Chaos

A new faster, more furious and brutal incarnation of the famous Battle Reporter forum game.

In keeping with the recent new Warriors of Chaos releases, Killing Blow Game #5 has adopted a Chaos theme with more powerful attacks, limited defence and some new special moves and spells.

To enter : just post the name of your favourite Warhammer Fantasy unit here.

Every unit gets 15 wounds to start with then members post actions (up to once per day) to increase their unit's chance of survival. The actions are :-

  1. Attack or Defend or
  2. Move Blessing of Khorne, Shield of Tzeentch or Nurgle's Rot or
  3. Cast the spell of the day**
** Manticore Frenzy Monday, Troll Vomit Tuesday, Wulfrik Ambush Wednesday, Throgg Thursday, Festus Friday, Slaughterbrute Saturday and Sigvald's Mirror Sunday.

The rules are a lot simpler than you might think, once you've seen a round or two you'll get the idea.

The Combatants (so far)
  1. Konrad Von Carstein (Sigmar)
  2. Valkia the Bloody (STEAM)
  3. Malus Darkblade (Dalara)
  4. Crom the Conqueror (Son Of Khaine)
  5. Settra the Imperishable (ecwh070)
  6. Throt the Unlcean (Cornishson73)
  7. Skrag the Slaughterer (chunkymon)
  8. Chakax the Eternity Warden (MarshDweller)
  9. Rykarth the Unbreakable (MrSeb)
  10. Asarnil the Dragonlord (Coinsmith1)
  11. Malagor the Dark Omen (maggroth_thunderbane)

We're looking for 20 players before battle begins.

Chaos Lord Images for WFB - KILLING BLOW

Image © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.