Warhammer Painting Competition - accepting entries now

Our Prestigious and World Famous (er, kind of !) GW Miniature Painting Contest Returns.

This year we're again accepting entries from 40K and LOTR (although Fantasy Battle or related fantasy type minis are preferred because that's what we're really all about).

The deadline for entering your pre-painted miniature pictures is 24th Feb 2013.

You then have about a month to paint them and post pictures of the finished article.

We're accepting 3 entries per person and, if you enter something really special I'll write a post about your minis (with links to your pics / website / blog) on my Uber God-like Painters Miniatures Blog

The winning entries from previous years:-

Pro Painted Warhammer minis

The winners were: (left-to-right) Guardian_A, Elazar The Glorified, Dims, Jetsam and Teclis.