Warhammer Painting and Modelling Inspiration

The Battle Reporter forum is now playing host to almost 3,500 amazing Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniatures - check out our slideshows below.

I've been so impressed by some of the inspiring model ideas for unique units that I've decided to write a post on my sister blog featuring Amazing Warhammer Miniature painters, modelers and converters. This post is to pass many thanks to all our forum members for sharing their brilliant creations and painting skills..

If you'd like to share some of your miniature pics (you don't need to be an expert painter) then simply join the forum, set up a new topic and start posting your miniature pics here.

For your delectation...

How about this for a Vampire Counts Bat Swarm unit !

Picture of Expertly designed and painted Vampire Counts Bat Swarms
(amazing Bat Swarm unit painted by forum member "quidamcorvus")

Expert Warhammer Painting Photo Gallery

Expert Warhammer Fantasy Painting Gallery

And if you're inspired but don't feel you have the time to put together an amazingly painted army you could always check out eBay. Here's a Slaughterbrute (recently purchased via a link on this blog) which is painted the way that all Slaughterbrute's should be (ie. not all red !)

Slaughterbrute bought through a Battle Reporter eBay link

Close up image of Slaughterbrute