Excellent 3D rotating Empire Wizards from Games Workshop

The Empire Wizards featured in a the July 09 White Dwarf painting competition are shown here from all angles - you can rotate them 360 degrees

This is quite a nice feature from GW, I hope they do more of them especially for new models. I think the images need to be enlarged slightly and it would be nice to be able to zoom in (I'm being picky now !)

One nice thing about the rotation is that you get to have a good look at not only the model but the base detail. These guys (and girl) know how to paint !

GW Painted Rotating Empire Wizards - top quality

If you have trouble viewing the rotating images then you might need the latest version of Adobe Flash:- (adobe.com/products/flashplayer). I actually installed this and still couldn't view the images in Internet Explorer 7 or 8 (I updated from 7 ot 8 especially !) Google Chrome and Firefox both work fine though.

BTW, for anyone who has Explorer 7, you really should think about updating to 8, it's a lot (!!!) quicker rendering the Games Workshop site onto your screen