Warhammer Fantasy Master Tacticians

Our Warhammer Battle forum is playing a new game - best tactical answers to Fantasy Battle questions.

If you fancy yourself as a bit of a tactica expert you're welcome to join in the fun, you get forum rep and or Facebook respect :)

Our first 3 questions thus far have been :-

#1 How to beat a Dwarf Army (my favorite subject!) - our ace member Guardian_A won that one.

Citadel Dwarf OOP miniature photo

#2 The best of the 8 lores of Magic to use in tournaments - it's being voted on right now.

Citadel High Elf Rare miniature photo

#3 The most essential rare units in WFB - a new question, feel free to post in the forum.

Citadel Gigantic Spider Model photo

We're going to run this roughly once a week, if you're interested in keeping abreast of the questions and answers you'll find a summary of them all in the Warhammer tactica master competition winners thread.

We talk about the same sort of stuff in the Warhammer Battle Reporter's Facebook Group from time to time too - for those that can't be bothered to join our awesome forum !  (booo...hiss....)

PS. If anyone has any tactical type questions they would like answered, feel free to post them in the MASTER TACTICIANS suggestions thread and we'll include them in the game.

Miniature images used with permission of the WFB Reporters Forum & Facebook member owners.