Best Fantasy Battle combat unit - WINNER

The Battle Reporter forum contest to find the best 500pt Warhammer combat unit was won by Telepfenion and his Warrior Priest, Empire Greatswords and Militia detachment combo.

It was a hard fought debate and the Herald of Khorne and 34 Bloodletters unit (by Matt Hollis) was snapping at Telepfenion' heels but he just about managed to parry their attacks to win the Award of...


The poll results (% of voters choosing that unit)

12%Warrior Priest + 30 Greatswords & 10 Militia - Telepfenion
11%Herald of Khorne + 34 Bloodletters - Matt Hollis
9%Saurus Oldblood + 14 Temple Guard - cargils02
8%Dwarf Thane + 24 Iron Breakers - MrSeb
7%Wight King + 25 Grave Guard - Lawrence1981
7%Vampire Hero + Cairn Wraith & Banshee - strigoi
6%Black Orc Big Boss + 28 BOs - jaggedjaw
6%Ogre Bruiser + 8 Ironguts - Timothy Canice O'Flynn
6%Branchwraith + 6 Treekin - Dennis D Wendt
5%Exalted Champion + 14 Chaos Warriors - Khorne74
4%Dwarf Thane + 24 Miners - Jetsam
4%Skaven Warlord + 40 Stormvermin - Kristopher Napier
4%Exalted Champion + 18 Nurgle Warriors - Liam James Spires
2%Herald of Khorne + 25 Bloodletters - LordoftheBrassThrone
2%Herald of Khorne + 24 Bloodletters - Malevolex Prime
2%Branchwraith + 5 Tree Kin - Sdrachus
2%Gorebull + 4 Minotaurs - Lawrence1981
1%Warrior Priest + 2 Engineers + 21 Spearmen - Steven Mann
1%Herald of Nurgle + 27 Plaguebearers - James Gonzo Kilgour
1%Skaven Warlord + 68 Skaven Clan Rats - Stephen Exall

Please post ideas for competition questions in the WFB MASTER TACTICIAN thread.

best Warhammer units photo

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