Korhil (the almost there), Caradryan (the mostly there) and Tyrion (the absolute kick-ass there !) have just been released as Finecast models.
I used to be a big fan of High Elves and, I guess, I still quite like them. Korhil once tried his best for me against his Wood Elf kin, Caradryan did somewhat better and Tyrion totally kicked butt by killing 2 Treekin and a Treeman Ancient and turned the game from a loss into a massacre win (not bad heh ?!) Flaming swords aren't only for Ulthuan barbecues ! :)Anyway, Games Workshop have re-released the miniatures as Finecast and they look very neat indeed but there again they always did :) Some pics... (Korhil is especially tempting this time round !)
(click image for larger images)
Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.
Here's what an Ultra expert painter (and I really do mean Ultra !) has achieved with some of these minis...
Korhil & Caradryan Miniatures painted by Alexi_Z
(featured in the Warhammer Fantasy Miniatures Gallery blog here)