Join the best Warhammer forum?

A Friendly Fantasy Battle forum with no trolls - we have troll slayers instead ;-), no flame wars (the Nautican's extinguish them) and no nonsense that you find on larger forums.

Warhammer Fantasy Battle forum
We're seeking new members to try to boost our activity and hammering fun.

We only have one important rule... to be friendly.

If you're a friendly kind of Ogre, Orc, Elf, Daemon, Vampire, Skaven, Human or even Dwarf (!) and you're looking for a friendly WFB forum, we might be what you're after.

  • Cover all Warhammer Armies
  • Host 15 unofficial Warhammer Army Book PDFs that are free to download or view online
  • Have a dedicated Painting forum, painting contests and award winning painters
  • Host tactical competitions and debate
  • Have many veteran and tournament winning players
  • Have our very own text based Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay forum
  • Post the latest news for your opinions and comments
  • Have an awesome slideshow containing member miniature pics
  • Have links to hundreds of battle reports and an amazing model gallery
  • Cover all of the other Games Workshop products
  • We even have an arcade with browser games for when you're bored !
  • Have our own Facebook Warhammer Battle Reporter's Group
You'll need a valid email address to authenticate your account to stop the spambots posting adverts!

Be part of the creative community and get more from your hobby.

Miniature painted by our forum member and award winning painter named "Dims". Used with permission.