The results are in, the "best" to the "worst" Fantasy Battle characters.
Obviously, it's all very subjective and dependent on game conditions, your army selection, your enemy and how you use the units but in a general point-for-point competition, here is what our forum members thought :-WFB Special Character rankings & strengths & weaknesses discussion
(the forum thread is still open so feel free to add to the debate).
% of all voters who chose these units in their top 10.
11% ¦ The Green Knight
7% ¦ Teclis
7% ¦ Thorgrim Grudgebearer
6% ¦ Mannfred von Carstein
6% ¦ Skarsnik & Gobbla
6% ¦ Grand Theogonist Volkmar
5% ¦ Karl Franz
5% ¦ Nagash
5% ¦ Grombrindal
4% ¦ Krell
4% ¦ Kairos Fateweaver
4% ¦ Chakax
4% ¦ Ikit Claw
4% ¦ Settra, Tomb King of Khemri
3% ¦ Alith Anar
3% ¦ Wulfrik
3% ¦ Greasus Goldtooth
3% ¦ Eltharion the Grim
3% ¦ Crone Hellebron
3% ¦ Drycha
2% ¦ Khazrak
2% ¦ Vilitch the Cursling
176 votes cast.
Image of The Green Knight is © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.