Add Warhammer Fantasy Battle Reports to your blog / website

The Warhammer Battle Reports hub ( now has almost 180 fantasy battle reports on it and it's going to get a lot bigger (at least 300+) It contains some of the best fantasy battle reports you can find on the internet, most have photos and/or maps and I've recently started adding videos.

If you're interested in including a search engine so people can find these reports without leaving your website or blog, then here is the HTML to use. You can see it in action on this site just above the "recent Battle reports" list (in the sidebar).

Please feel free to adjust the width of the search input box by increasing or reducing the input size from "18". Also, you can change the text from "search for battles" to whatever you like. You can also remove the link to (although I'd rather you didn't !). The partner-pub is a number that google uses to identify that it's my search engine. You can remove the "
" to get rid of line feeds (carriage returns).