Nautican Warhammer Army Competition - design an army list for me !

Select a legal 3,000pt Nautican Fantasy Battle Army and I'll use it in battle next weekend.

Hi folks, I'm battling the vile, verminous furry critters (ie. Skaven) next weekend with my brave and noble Nauticans :)

It's a 3,000 pt battle and I'm offering you the chance to see how any army f your choice would perform on the field of battle.

If you're interested in selecting a Nautican Army for me then please post a list by commenting in this post by 2pm GMT on Monday and I will use the army in my next battle on Saturday June 5th.

If more than one army is posted I will select the one I think has the best chance of success. I'd be pleased if even one army was posted !

You can find the Nautican army pdf (which can be viewed online or downloaded to your pc) on the front page of the Nautican Army blog - just click the army book cover.