New Warhammer Daemons of Chaos Miniatures being released

Games Workshop have just announced some new Citadel Chaos Daemon miniatures for Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40k.

It doesn't say exactly which miniatures are being released but it sounds like they'll be out in August with more details on the GW Website in July and in August's edition of White Dwarf.

I wasn't expecting any new Daemon releases so this comes as quite a pleasant surprise.

Here's the announcement in full...

Incoming! Daemons

In August, the immortal legions of the Ruinous Powers - the Chaos Daemons - will pour forth once more from the Realm of Chaos to drown the Warhammer world and the galaxy of the 41st Millennium beneath a tide of blood and destruction. Even now, mystics are assailed by nightmarish visions of horror and death, the fractured minds of madmen echo with sibilant whispers, and the doomed clutch symbols of their weak gods closer to them.

A host of incredible new Citadel miniatures for both Warhammer 40,000 Chaos Daemons armies and Warhammer Daemons of Chaos armies will soon be released upon mortal battlefields. All will be revealed in July here on the Games Workshop website and in August's issue of White Dwarf magazine, so keep an eye out for more information.

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