Some Games Workshop Prices Increase from June 1st, 2010

Some bad news I'm afraid, you might want to bring forward your miniature and army book purchases before some of the below prices increase in the UK on June 1st 2010.

I believe GW have been doing fairly well this year - according to the financial press. They recently announced that earnings will exceed their previous estimates (or analysts estimates, I can't recall which). So the price rises come as a bit of a surprise to me although, thankfully, they do not impact all of the Warhammer Fantasy product range.

I'm hoping that the new Fantasy Battle boxed set to support the 8th edition rulebook will be "competitively" priced so the miniature prices do not present a barrier to entry for new players.

Price rise news always tends to get the readers blood boiling so, in GW's defense, I would like to point out that the product quality remains exceptionally high and the Fantasy Battle, 40k and LOTR hobbies are much better supported by GW than many other game systems.

Below are the price changes impacting Fantasy Battle only (see source: for other changes to LOTR and 40k.

Current RRP
RRP 1st June
Beast Of Nurgle
Beastmen Army Book
Black Knight Command
Black Knights
Black Orc Big Boss
Black Orcs
Bloodletters Of Khorne
Bretonnian Army Book
Bretonnian Mounted Yeoman
Chaos Chariot
Chaos Knights
Chaos Nurglings
Chaos Spawn
Chaos Warhounds
Citadel Wash Set
Citadel Wood
Daemonettes Of Slaanesh
Daemons Of Chaos Army Book
Dark Elf Assassin
Dark Elf Black Ark Corsairs
Dark Elf Cold One Knights
Dark Elf Dark Riders
Dark Elf Executioner Command
Dark Elf Reaper Bolt Thrower
Dark Elves Army Book
Deathmaster Snikch
Dwarf Army Book
Dwarf Bolt Thrower
Dwarf Cannon
Dwarf Gyrocopter
Dwarf Hammerers Command
Dwarf Hammerers
Dwarf Miners
Dwarf Slayers Command
Dwarf Slayers
Empire Army Book
Empire Artillery
Empire Battle Wizards
Empire Flagellant Warband
Empire General
Empire State Handgunners
Empire State Troops
Empire Volley Gun / Rocket Battery
Fell Bats
Fiend Of Slaanesh
Flamers Of Tzeentch
Ghorros Warhoof
Goblin Spear Chukka
High Elf Archmage And Mage
High Elf Army Book
High Elf Phoenix Guard Command
High Elf Phoenix Guard
High Elf Prince And Noble
High Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower
High Elf Shadow Warriors
High Elf Swordmasters Of Hoeth Command
High Elf Swordmasters Of Hoeth
High Elf White Lions Of Chrace Command
High Elf White Lions Of Chrace
How To Paint Citadel Miniatures
How To Paint Tanks (English)
Khorne Beserkers
Lizardmen Army Book
Lizardmen Temple Guard
Movement Trays
Night Goblin Fanatics
Njal Stormcaller
Ogre Gorger
Ogre Kingdoms Army Book
Ogre Maneaters
Orc & Goblin Army Book
Orc Shaman On Warg
Orc Warboss
Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth
Plaguebearers Of Nurgle Command
Salamander Hunting Pack
Skaven Army Book English
Skaven Jezzails
Skaven Poison Wind Globadiers
Skaven Ratling Gun
Soul Grinder
Spirit Host
Tomb Guard
Tomb Kings Army Book
Tomb Kings Ushabti
Undead Banshee
Undead Bat Swarm
Undead Wraiths
Uniforms & Heraldry Of The Empire Eng
Vampire Counts Army Book
Vampire Counts Black Coach
Vampire Counts Crypt Ghouls
Vampire Counts Dire Wolves
Vampire Counts Grave Guard
Vampire Counts Skeletons
Warhammer Basing Kit
Warlord Queek Head-Taker
Warriors Of Chaos Army Book
Wood Elf Tree Kin
Wood Elf Wardancers Command
Wood Elf Waywatchers
Wood Elves Army Book

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