Best and Worst 8th Edition Armies

So which is the strongest and weakest Warhammer 8th edition Fantasy Battle Army ?

The results for 2010 are almost in, you have 2 days left to vote. Here's the position at the moment.

High Elves, The Empire and Skaven are clearly on top and Wood Elves, Tomb Kings and Bretonnia are bringing up the rear.

The worst Fantasy Battle army vote is very clear with Wood Elves chosen by 60% of the respondents. Their brethren the High Elves were almost as popular for the best army vote gaining over 50% of all votes.

The poll closes on 1st Jan 2011 so please vote now if you haven't already (scroll down the page, you'll find the poll on the right sidebar).

image showing best and worst WFB 8th edition armies