New Skaven Models Incoming (2011) !

Some pictures of the next wave of Skaven miniatures from Games Workshop. I like the look of the Hellpit Abominations and the foul mini Doomwheel thingy (!?) I hope it's not as devastating as it's bigger cousin !

I don't have any details about release dates, prices as yet but rest assured, as soon as I find out, I'll let you know. The below are from a Spanish forum called (pay them a visit and thank them for sharing).

Edit: 20th Dec: one of the Warhammer Battle Reporter Facebook Group members tells me that the Cannon / Catapult is a single kit that can be used to create either model (thanks John-Paul).

new Skaven miniatures poster 2011

Hellpit abomination I presume (?)
Hellpit abomination model picture

same again, Hellpit abomination.
Hellpit abomination model picture

Some kind of miniature Doomwheel (does anyone know what this is... officially ?)
picture of new miniature doom wheel 2011

A new Skaven Lord ?
Skaven Lord 2011 release image

A Skaven Plagueclaw Catapult
photo of new plagueclaw catapult

A new Warp Lightning Cannon (?)
2011 skaven miniature pictures