New Chaos Dwarf War Machine Models

Warhammer Forge, which I'm lead to believe is some kind of Games Workshop spin-off are releasing some awesome new miniatures for Fantasy Battle in 2011.

I'm not sure how I missed these pictures from Games Day 2010 but I'm pleased I spotted them in the end. What a superb line up of new Chaos Dwarf miniatures !

I'm pretty sure GW said they would not be producing a Chaos Dwarfs Warhammer Army book but with the quality of these miniatures they might find that the demand for one will rapidly grow. Here's an excellent unofficial Dwarfs of Chaos Army book for anyone interested - I believe it's been sanctioned for use in a large number of tournaments too - although probably not GW ones (does anybody know for sure ?)

Credit to for posting the pics ( - for more photos). I'm not sure if they are his or belong to someone else but thanks anyway ifelix.

I'm not sure how they would sort out the profile stats for this collection of models.  It looks like the Steam Engine, Bombard and Magma Cannon can be deployed as a single "weapons train". I guess you could also have any combination including the steam engine - which would be required to pull the rolling stock. The Skullcracker looks like a single model war machine.

Chaos Dwarf Skullcracker Steam Engine
Chaos Dwarf Skullcracker picture

Chaos Magma Cannon
Chaos Dwarf Magma Cannon photo

Chaos Dwarf Steam Engine
Chaos Dwarf Steam Engine picture

Chaos Dwarf Steam Bombard
Chaos Dwarf Bombard image

Chaos Dwarf Demolition Rocket
Chaos Dwarf Demolition Rocket photo

The new Chaos Dwarf Miniature Range
Chaos Dwarf Miniatures images