Warhammer Forge at Games Day 2010

While trying to delve into the new Chaos Dwarf miniature news I tracked down this YouTube video by Beasts of War with lots of new / work in progress miniature pictures (incl. 40k).

Marienburg Land Ship model picture
The model to the right is a Marienburg Land Ship (?!)

The video shows some of the new Warhammer Work in Progress models from Forgeworld and Warhammer Forge which, apparently, is a sub-division of Forgeworld specifically aimed at Warhammer model development. The interviewer also says he has heard rumours of Warhammer introducing titan scale units into Fantasy Battle in an Apocalypse style way. Hmmm... it's the first time I've heard that and it's quite intriguing. Now I have to find out what Apocalypse is all about to get a feel for what they're talking about !

Anyway, the video is worth a watch so I thought I'd share with you. All credit to Beasts of War.