WFB Reporter forum - Competitions update

Our Warhammer forum's model conversion and customized Fantasy Battle unit rules competitions are now ready for your votes.

Fantasy Battle forum image logo
Check out and vote for your favourites from some of these great conversions submitted by forum members and readers of the Miniatures Gallery blog :-
WFB Reporter modeling competition

Customized Warhammer Fantasy Battle Units Competition

Great Sphinx for Warhammer Tomb Kings photo
If you're more of a rules person, try these for something completely different. From Dwarf land mines, a Tomb King Great Sphinx and undead Crocodile constructs with the power to zap their enemies with a solar reflector, a Jaguar Temple Guardian for the Lizardmen army and my very own Bugman's fermenting cheese rat (read Skaven !) trap.

Many thanks to all of the entrants.

PS. I bet you there are crocodiles in the new Tomb Kings army book !