Master your dice rolling skills !

There is more to winning Warhammer Fantasy Battles than tactics and army selection.

dice rolling instruction book
You really can get ahead in a battle by mastering your dice rolling techniques. It's not cheating (like you might think) and it's not easy but good old Games Workshop have now published a guide to help out. It's a superb publication and will help you get that 10-20% extra out of your army through precision rolling at key and critical "roll events".

From GW...

"126-page full-colour guide containing everything you ever need to know about rolling dice to improve your battles. It takes you through every step you'll need to master your dice so that you'll be rolling nothing but sixes and laughing at your enemies. It is nothing short of a tabletop revolution."

PS. If you believe that then maybe you will be interested in the new Chinese ISO adjusted measuring rulers. They use the Asia Pacific ISO millimeter measure as opposed to the Western Gregorian version. Over larger ranges (such as with 48" repeater bolt thrower) you will gain almost 3/4 inch in distance which could allow for a decisive shot that you otherwise wouldn't be able to attempt.

Image is copyright Games Workshop, used without permission. All rights reserved.