Jabberslythe Model !

A custom sculpted Jabberslythe miniature for use with the Beastmen Fantasy Battle army - at last !

There still isn't an official Jabberslythe Warhammer model from Games Workshop so the Miniature Painting Group (MPG) have come up with their own and they'll mold one for you (and paint it if you like).

MPG have also produced a great Cygor model and a really, really great Ghorgon.

MPG don't stop there, they have quite a few other difficult to find miniatures that don't have an official GW version - yet?!

Here are some snippets from the Jabberslythe description in the Beastmen Army book, see for yourself if the sculpt is an accurate representation of the monster, I reckon they've done a pretty good job of it...

"Ungainly and clumsy creatures... they have a thick sticky proboscis-like tongue... rudimentary wings... vile appearance... nightmarish vision... fang-ridged maw... erratic and ungainly flight..."

It's a fairly chunky model standing over 5 inches high, check out the slideshow pic including Count Mannfred for a size comparison. It also has an excellent twisted tree base to represent it's deep, dark forest lair.

You can contact them through their Miniature Painting Group eBay shop.

Miniature Painting Group eBay shop

Images used with permission of Miniature Painting Group.