New Tomb Kings Army Video by GW

A video with magic, monsters and some Khemri background without "too much" promo.

Tomb Kings miniatures models army pics
As soon as I started watching the video I got a bit annoyed expecting it to be promotion drivel delivered by people who wouldn't give two hoots on a Khemrian Bone Horn but it turned out a lot better than I expected.

What you can expect; some nice pics, insights into the thinking behind the army background (think scarabs, scorps, vultures and way too many Sphinxes), a rare "honesty-nod" towards the time it's taken since TKs were last looked at (blink and you'll miss it !), magic normalization and general army wide thinking made it worth watching (esp if you're looking for TK colour schemes and an alternative look at the model pics)

It's 14 mins long so... suffer like me my venomous serpent worshiping undead friends ! [signed: Sigmar]

Back to winds of magic with their own lore and a Sorcerous character that, with blessings and curses, somehow mixes the lore of light with lots of death :)

So far in the desert sand, so good until the oasis (of death !)  :D   Muhahahaha

Tomb Kings miniatures models army pics

Tomb Kings miniatures models army pics

Tomb Kings miniatures models army pics

Tomb Kings miniatures models army pics

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