Amateur Warhammer Miniature Gallery Video

For a bit of fun and to see how this new Live Windows 7 movie maker works, I put together a compilation of Fantasy Battle miniatures from our WFB Reporter's Facebook and WFBR Forum miniatures slideshow.

The miniature/diorama photos are in a kind of alphabetic order (although a few pics that I particularly liked were pushed to the beginning). It's one second per image and a Ben Hur soudtrack - just to get the old Warhammer Battle juices flowing ;-)

Anyway, I hope you get a bit of inspiration from it, I achieved my goal of sussing out Movie Maker :)

PS. I found that WIndows 7 Live Movie Maker is very easy to use :) Note however, if you're used to the older XP version, you cannot drag the titles, captions, photos, animations etc. to increase or decrease duration, you have to actually set the duration using the text box to say how many seconds you want it displayed. Also, keep your eye on the very top menu bar so you know which context you're working in, ie. captions/titles, video or music (it can be a bit confusing to start with).