I presume these belong to Games Workshop, I have no idea what the original source is though because they just turned up in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Reporter's Facebook Group and the poster isn't saying anything.
They are outstanding models, I really, really like them and if this is what the new Ogre Kingdom's army book* is going to be all about I can see a lot of people tossing their gold crowns across GW's store counters !* BTW, for anyone who wasn't aware, it looks like next Month's White Dwarf (Sep 2011) will have a feature on the new Ogre Kingdoms army so I guess they're the next army to hit the battlefield.
Ogre character on a Stonehorn (?) monstrous mount
Ogre Rhinox (?) Riders Std Bearer & Musician or are these a new type of cavalry mount ?
Ogre character on a Stonehorn monstrous mount (with a harpoon !)
Ogre Scrap Launcher I presume
Ogre monstrous unit (rare ?) A Yhetee Mammoth maybe ?
Ogre Ironblaster - Rhinox mounted cannon !
These are totally awesome, esp the Yhetee Mammoth thingy ! :) Well, I don't know about you but I've just decided what my next army is going to be ! I'm excited if you hadn't noticed - sorry.
Images are © Games Workshop. All rights reserved. Used without permission.